Monday, January 16, 2012

Dreaded Week 2

So the dreaded week 2 of our diet is almost over. I seem like it is very Biggest Loser-esque. I have done everything right, followed my point allotment and even started working out. I know that I am not supposed to weight myself often, but I do. I have only lost 1 pound this week so far. It is so fustrating to me, it makes me want to give up. I know I can't but I want to...Jeremy keeps reminding me that I need to just keep doing what I am doing and that it will come off. I wish I had his optimism.....

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Weigh in week 1

So, this has been a crazy week around the English household. I have been wanting to post, but time has just gotten away from me every night! Monday our 5 month old puppy, Tinkerbell gor spayed, so we have been pretty occupied with her so far this week but I am happy to report that she is on the mend and seems to have recovered from the pain part relatively quickly. YAY!

On the weight loss front, today was weigh in day for week one. I wasn't really nervous about it because I knew I had lost a little but I was happily surprised with a weight loss of 4.6 pounds. EXCITING! Jeremy lost 3 so overall I am pretty pleased with our results! We had a phenomenal recipe this week for dinner. It was off a website called and was a "burrito bowl" recreation from Chipotle. To top it off, it was crock pot so for that it gets an extra WOOT WOOT!

It is possible, folks.....losing weight in your mid 30's is possible. Let's see if I can keep it up. Now to find the motivation for waking up early for working out. We will keep that venture for another day :) Night all!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Honey Lime Pork Chops

So, last night I tried a recipe for Honey Lime Pork Chops. It turned out really nice and at 5 points per serving it was perfect. The soy sauce over powered the honey-lime flavor but with a little experimenting, next time I think will be perfect!!! I paired the pork chops with some herb and smart balance garlic noodles with normandy vegetables. Total of 15 points for dinner. Not too shabby! Here is the recipe..... bon apetite.

Honey Lime Pork Chop Recipe
Ingredients:- 4 (4 oz.) lean boneless pork chops- 1 package Onion Soup Mix- 1 tbsp chopped scallions- 3 tbsp honey- 3 tbsp fresh lime juice- 1/4 cup low sodium soy sauce- 1/8 tsp ground or fresh ginger (I used fresh)- dash of Kosher salt and pepper
Directions:Start by making the marinade. In a medium sized bowl, combine all ingredients, except the pork chops. Place 1/2 of the marinade into an 8×8 inch baking dish. Place the pork chops on top followed by the remaining marinade. Cover and refrigerate for up to 24 hours (2 hours minimum), turning occasionally. Remove the pork chops from the marinade, discarding any left over marinade. Grill or broil the pork chops, turning only once, until the pork chops are done.
Entire Recipe makes 4 servingsServing size = 1 Pork ChopEach Serving = 5 Point Total

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy 2012

So, I am the world's WORST blogger, BUT this time I am committed to routinely post. This time is going to be my ongoing weight loss and healthy eating escapade. Jeremy and I are adamant we are getting healthy and back in shape this year. Hopefully once we get all healthy and lean, we can go somewhere awesome to show it off! I may try a new recipe tonight and if it is any good I will share my find with you all. Happy Saturday!!!!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Spring has Sprung...itself the heck outta here...

Well, we had nice weather for quite a while. I mean, literally, 60 degrees plus for weeks and weeks. Everyone started believing the hype, even my poor bulbs fell for Mother Nature's cruel joke. Then out of the clear, warm blue skies. B A M! We got the biggest snow storm of the year. It is supposed to keep on going until tomorrow. This morning Jeremy went out in the backyard to get the best measurement...14 inches and it is still falling. They are predicting another 6 inches by tonight.....nearly 2 feet of snow. Ethan loves it and wants to go out and play. Since he is at a private school he has a snow day. Too bad the new Governor couldn't give the State workers a snow day. It would have been an awesome day to get out the gloves and snow boots and play in the snow and be 4 all over again. At least it is Friday and I can do that tomorrow. After this though............... I hope spring will return.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Are Buying Antiques considered Recycling??

I am lucky enough to work with some great ladies. One of them, Christina, is me but younger and cuter. We take stupid quizes and we always get the same answers. Her problem with men had always been my problem with men. Her insecurities are the same as mine. It is definitely crazy!! Anyway....we both love old things. Yesterday we decided to listen to Beach Boys radio on Pandora. It brought up the topic of antiquing and 40's and 50's cars and clothes and to Not our surprise, we were on the same page. I am currently wanting to buy these plates for my house. They are called Jadeite and they were made in the 40's and 50's,. I just love, love, love them. I also want to start building my wardrobe in order to include some fantastic period pieces. I just feel like that era was when Men were Men and Women were Women. All I have to do is talk my husband into letting me spend the money for these items and I will be set! At least now, I have a friend to go shopping with!!!!!! I know she won't be bored.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

OH, how the weight creeps up!

Ok, so my husband is probably going to hate that I am including him in my blog today but I have no choice, really. I have always really loved the show, The Biggest Loser. It is like I watch it to get motivated and still do nothing about it. It is getting rather rediculous. When Jeremy and I met, we were fit and well, lighter. Happiness and marriage has put on a few extra pounds that we desperately want to get rid of. We used to be a hot couple, now we are still hot to each other, but to the World, I fear we are more along the lines of fluffy than hot. In this never ending sea of diets, it is so hard to know what is right or wrong or what is too fast or what is so slow that you lose motivation. What works for me, doesn't work for him. I think we are both so sick and tired of being overweight and know we need to do something..........we just need to figure out what we can do that will motivate and inspire us to get up at 5 am and work our butts off. Hmmmmmmm.......hopefully by summer I can report some good news. Let me know if you have any tips or ideas of greatness for our quest. Thanks!!!!!