Friday, February 18, 2011

Spring has Sprung...itself the heck outta here...

Well, we had nice weather for quite a while. I mean, literally, 60 degrees plus for weeks and weeks. Everyone started believing the hype, even my poor bulbs fell for Mother Nature's cruel joke. Then out of the clear, warm blue skies. B A M! We got the biggest snow storm of the year. It is supposed to keep on going until tomorrow. This morning Jeremy went out in the backyard to get the best measurement...14 inches and it is still falling. They are predicting another 6 inches by tonight.....nearly 2 feet of snow. Ethan loves it and wants to go out and play. Since he is at a private school he has a snow day. Too bad the new Governor couldn't give the State workers a snow day. It would have been an awesome day to get out the gloves and snow boots and play in the snow and be 4 all over again. At least it is Friday and I can do that tomorrow. After this though............... I hope spring will return.

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