Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yesterday was Valentine's Day

I have a 4 year old boy named Ethan. A little background on this scenario is that for the past 2 years, Ethan has attended Preschool through the Carson City School District. In that class was a little girl named Maya. He LOVES Maya. They have gotten to know each other quite well and lo and behold, Maya can no longer attend that school. Ethan was devastated! Ethan also attends Bethlehem Lutheran Pre-Kindergarten in the mornings. One day he came home to announce Maya was in his new class. Oh, the puppy love continues. Yesterday was Valentines Day and he came to me with his hands out and said, "Mommy, Today is Vawentines Day and the pwobwem is.......the pwobwem is....I didn't get Maya anyfeen. She is my Vawentine and she neeeeeeeeds somefeen." I asked him what he wanted me to get her and he replied with NO hesitation, "Fowers and Tandy." Aren't they too precious. I can't believe this is starting already. He isn't even 5 for Heaven's Sake! At least, I hope, he will be a romantic....what a ladies man.

1 comment:

  1. Update.....Maya took the little dog he gave her to school today for Show and Tell. She told the class the dogs name was Pinky and Ethan gave it to her for Valentines Day because, "He loves me."
    Everybody...... awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
